Welcome Jayit & MinXiang

With the summer semester getting started, I thought I should take some time to welcome the newest Mitacs Globalink interns to join our lab.

MinXiang is a third-year student at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China studying computer science. She has previously worked as a part-time front-end developer visualizing internet of things data, and is interested in building applications that interact with users in a creative and friendly way.

Jayit is currently majoring in Computer Science and Engineering at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India. He describes himself as “a passionate software developer and researcher, primarily focusing on societal challenges, with a keen interest in the fields of healthcare, agriculture, recommender systems, drone and signal processing technologies using complex deep learning, machine learning, data mining and content based image retrieval techniques.”

I asked Jayit & MinXiang a few questions to get to know them better.

Why are you interested in computer science?

Jayit: “I believe that every problem that the world faces can be addressed and resolved using Computer Science. The vast areas and domain, technology covers have always fascinated and propelled me to learn even more about the underlying algorithms and methodologies used. Every problem is unique in itself and so is the solution.”

MinXiang: “I am interested in computer science because being able to create products that make things easier for people through coding gives me a sense of satisfaction. I first became interested in it when I followed a video tutorial and built my first Android application in my first university summer holidays.”

What’s the best thing about computer science?

MinXiang: “With just a computer, I can make applications that really solve problems and help people.”

Jayit: “AUTOMATION. Every service in this world has the potential of being replaced via Artificial Intelligence and Robots, which highly fascinates me. The pace at which research is progressing at Quantum Computing and other complex genetic algorithms, is simply awesome. We have barely scratched the surface, and still an infinity of knowledge lies below to be unraveled.”

What’s do you want to do when you are finished your degree?

Jayit: “I plan on using my gathered skill set to do impactful research work and develop products for various multinational organizations, and preferably be a part of the esteemed R&D departments. I also intend to pursue Master’s in the field of Computer Science and Data Analytics in future.”

MinXiang: “I plan to be a web developer, though I am still figuring out whether I want to get a master’s degree first or not.”

Outside of computer science, what’s one thing you are really interested in?

MinXiang: “Language learning. Learning about interesting expressions, pronunciation and grammar can be super fun.”

Jayit: “I believe that being physically fit and prioritizing mental health is as important as focusing on academics. My deepest interest lies in playing Sarod, a classical instrument, which makes me calm myself in the direst of times. I am passionate about music. At the same time, I play table tennis at a district level and am a swimmer by passion.”

Welcome to the team, MinXiang and Jayit! We’re looking forward to working and learning with you both this summer. And a huge thanks to Mitacs for making these internships possible.

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